Monday, September 20, 2004


Well, despite the large dam that Rather and his cohorts built trying to stop the flood...some truth finally leaked through. Dan "apologized". Whatever.

This so-called apology seems about as fake as the documents. Still no outrage or concern as to who faked them and why this "nut's" word was taken. It won't be found, because they still want to tell this story. Once again they're left grasping for some supporting evidence for what they want to say, not looking for actual news. But this part of the "retraction" is a joke: "It was an error that was made, however, in good faith and in the spirit of trying to carry on a CBS News tradition of investigative reporting without fear or favoritism." If you still believe there was no favoritism here, well, I guess you need some time to take another hit...

Favoritism is the sole reason this happened. Any story or thesis that supports a liberal idea is at first accepted, and might be questioned later. That's the way it is. And that's exactly the reason CBS is where they are right now. What tired head this gives me...I guess I should finally be happy they admitted some amount of failure. But I'm not, for there was never a possibility that they would not. The evidence was so overwhelming that it was a certainty. The only question was the how, which they have now answered insufficiently. Yawn...

I always thought there were rules to journalism. Rules like, report the news, don't become the news. Of course, I also thought that the truth might be a standard for which to shoot. Silly me.

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